General Financial Information
Financial Information
God has all the resources needed to fund the work He’s called us to do together! We believe that wholeheartedly. However, we know you may have questions about how funds will work and be used here at LST. So, here are some details.
1. General Information
- Let’s Start Talking is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit ministry.
- All funds raised or given to LST become a part of the LST general ministry fund. These donations help fund the entire LST ministry throughout the year. No funds you raise for LST belong to your team or you.
- LST does not return or refund donations for any reason.
- LST will cover all work-related expenses for a Worker’s mission project according to a team budget which LST will create.
- Workers may have additional out-of-pocket expenses which may include, but not be limited to, the following:
- Application fee (non-refundable; fee varies)
- Passport fees
- Fundraising expenses
- Travel to and from any required LST training event
- Personal Money for travel, souvenirs, gifts etc.
- LST does not cover medical expenses of any kind. The exception to this policy is if a country or host requires immunization or preventative medication (such as malaria medicine) LST will reimburse team members up to $300 for immunizations and up to $100 for preventative medication. Team members must get pre-approval and provide a receipt. Failure to receive pre-approval from LST may result in non-reimbursement. Please note, very few countries require vaccinations, and LST rarely sends teams to malaria-prone sites.
2. Travel
- LST covers all travel costs for the mission project according to a standard (or “Base”) ticket which is a ticket from one US city, to the site, and back to that same US city.
- Travel requests which fall outside the Base Ticket may result in extra costs to the Worker. In such cases the extra cost must be paid by the Worker at the time LST purchases the ticket.
- LST will purchase a small travel insurance policy for each Worker. Workers may purchase additional coverage at their own expense.
3. Fundraising Amounts/Schedules
- LST utilizes a shared-cost approach to project costs. We pool all funds raised for mission projects and pay for all the expenses from that pool.
- A small portion of what each Worker raises is an “LST fee” that helps LST cover other costs related to managing the Projects.
- Each Worker commits to raise the full amount of their LST project.
- Fundraising amounts are typically tied more to the length of the project than the actual site.
- 2024 Fundraising Amounts:
- 2 week project – $3,900
- 3-4 week project – $4,100
- 5-6 week project – $4,400
- Minor (18 or under and traveling with family) – $2,900
- Other – Domestic – Base+=$575 plus budget submitted by team
- Other – YoungFriends -$3,500
- Fund Raising Deadlines:
- 90 days prior to departure date – $2,000 due
- 30 days prior to departure date – all remaining funds due
- If a team forms less than 90 days from their proposed departure date, half of their funds are due immediately and the rest will be due 45 days prior to departure.
- What happens if I don’t meet my deadlines?
- 90 days – LST will move you to inactive status and give you a two-week grace period to raise what’s due. If you still have not met the 90-day fundraising goal at the end of the grace period, LST will drop you from the project, use whatever funds you’ve raised to cover expenses already incurred, and retain the remaining funds on your behalf for a future project.
- 30 days- LST will grant a five-day grace period to raise what’s due. If you still have not met the 30-day fundraising goal at the end of the grace period, LST will drop you from the project, use whatever funds you’ve raised to cover expenses already incurred, and retain the remaining funds on your behalf for a future project.
4. What happens if I raise more funds than I need? What happens if I’m unable to go on my project this year?
- All funds donated to LST will be used by LST at its discretion to further its mission.
- Regardless of when (or if) the Worker goes, any costs associated with their project will be deducted from their account total.
- LST will deduct an administrative fee from every Worker including any Worker who drops or defers their project to a new calendar year. (LST Projects=$600/person; YoungFriends=$300/person).
- Use of Funds: If a Worker (or group of Workers like a family or couple) exceeds their LST fundraising goal, drops from their project, or defers to another calendar year, existing donated funds may be used in one of three ways:
- The Worker may hold those funds to go on a future LST project, even if it’s in another calendar year.
- The Worker may request that LST transfer the funds to another Worker who has applied and is currently raising money for their project.
- The Worker may request that the funds be released to LST, empowering the ministry of LST around the world that calendar year.
- Once requested, LST’s decisions about use of such funds are final.
- Availability of Funds:
- By December 15, unused Worker funds will be released to LST unless the Worker submits a formal request concerning the use of funds in their account. If the Worker requests the funds be placed on hold for the next calendar year, LST will assess a $300 holdover fee against the Worker’s account (Worker accounts with less than $300 are not able to be held over). LST will apply a holdover fee each year a Worker requests their funds be retained.
- It is the Worker’s responsibility to fill out a request form each year. Available HERE.
- Amount of Funds: Deferred funds or funds on hold in a Worker’s account may not exceed $5,000/person (or $10,000 for a couple, etc.) Any funds over this amount will be released to LST at the end of the calendar year.
Phone: +1-817-684-7578
Mail: PO Box 55398, Hurst, TX 76054, United States of America